We look after your smile and the planet

At Dr. Varea’s dental clinic, our philosophy is in line with the care of our planet. We are responsible with regards to the carbon footprint resulting from our daily activity and, for this reason, we have a series of measures in place at our practice to help look after the environment.

Maximum reduction of physical printouts and digitisation of processes

The present of the highest quality dental clinics implies acceptance of a clear commitment to the common benefit and well-being of the patient. That’s why we digitise as many processes as possible at our clinic to reduce our environmental impact.

Collaborations with local laboratories and suppliers

We avoid the emissions that can result from the air shipment of materials by collaborating with national suppliers and even laboratories that are two blocks away from our clinic.

One patient, one tree project

We collaborate with the international project One Tree Planted. Together we can plant a tree for each new patient, contributing to reforestation and improving the health of our planet.